About Us
Kimberly and Rafe Boulon
We love St. John.
It is home.
It is where Rafe was born - Trunk Bay.
It is where Kimberly and Rafe have lived together since 1980 - Windswept Beach, Trunk Bay Estate: where we raised our two sons, Devon and Revel and where they bring their families and our grandchildren. Five generations of Boulons at Trunk Bay Estate. It sustains us.
An island to protect.
An island to nurture.
St. John: where for 32 years Rafe passionately protected the natural and cultural resources for present and future generations as Chief of Environmental Education and Endangered Species with the Department of Planning and Natural Resources and as Chief of Natural and Cultural Resources with the Virgin Islands National Park and the VI Coral Reef National Monument.
St. John: where Kimberly passionately engaged in a home-based education for their sons, sports and sailing programs for the island’s kids, in other community and environmental non-profits – all for the good of the children, the health of the community, the well-being of the island and its waters. Where her painting inspirations are constantly fulfilled.
St. John:
An island to cherish.
An island to be grateful for.
It is beautiful. It is breath-taking. It is fragile.
Rafe communes with it. Kimberly paints it.
We live it. We breathe it. We adore it.
We love St. John endlessly.